Retirement Planning

Why Retirement Planning is Vital?


Life has a habit of disappearing quickly. It seems the older you get, the faster time goes. After a busy working life, juggling family and work commitments, and trying to squeeze in some personal goals and interests, reaching retirement can bring a sense of relief… or it can bring a feeling of trepidation.

On the one hand, many commitments and obligations fall away.

On the other hand, the loss of those commitments and obligations also comes with the loss of income and creates a vacuum of time to be filled.

The time before retirement is the time to re-evaluate what is important in your life and plan ahead, ensuring available time and financial resources are used for the things that really matter to you. Being proactive about how you manage time and money will bring more fruitful outcomes than simply going with the flow.

How can Lifetime Retirement Income help you?

Lifetime Retirement Income can help you turn your savings into a fortnightly income designed to last for the rest of your life.

Lifetime helps by actively managing the key unknowns: your life expectancy and investment returns.

This leaves you free to get out there and enjoy living.

Start by designing your future income

At Lifetime, we believe the amount of money you can withdraw each year from your retirement savings is unique to you – not a static or one size fits all approach. 

Our detailed income plans can be really helpful in helping you to understand what your income will look like each year.

First, head to our Lifetime Income Projection, and start planning your retirement today.


What could my Retirement income be?

Lifetime Income Projection

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