Lifetime Income Projection
At Lifetime, we believe the amount of money you can withdraw each year from your retirement savings is unique to you – not static or one size fits all.
The following questions will take just a minute to answer.
The information provided in this Lifetime Income Projection does not constitute personalised financial advice. If you require personalised financial advice, please see a financial adviser.
Calculating results...
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Your results
We have calculated your projected retirement income.
Your investment of $0 will give you an estimated fortnightly tax-paid income of $0, paid the same week as your New Zealand Superannuation payment.
Every year Lifetime will review what level of income you can be paid to deliver a regular, tax-paid, fortnightly income with the purpose of lasting your lifetime.
Total estimated Lifetime Income for the next 0 years
Your initial investment of $0 plus forecast returns, net fees and taxes, estimates a total income of $0 over the next 0 years. We expect your income to cease at age 0.
Your total estimated income, after fees and tax, for the next 0 years. We expect your income to cease at age 0.
Looking for more detail?
Request a Detailed Income Plan
We can send you a free, no obligation, information pack and detailed plan outlining your projected retirement income.
Try out some different combinations of answers to see how it changes your projected income.
Results overview
Your initial investment of $0 plus forcast returns, net fees and taxes, estimates a total income of $0 over the next 0 years. We expect your income to cease at age 0.
Your projected fortnightly income at ages
Total income for your next 0 years